New Tractors
New Tractors
Case Maxxum 150
New Tractors
Just into stock after 12 month wait
150 horsepower
Pick up hitch
3 spool
Loader ready
600 wheels
Case Puma 150
New Tractors
150 horsepower with boost to 190hp
Range command
Front and cab suspension
Air brakes, exhaust ...
Case Puma 165
New Tractors
2023 ex-hire tractor
50 kmph
Air brakes
Exhaust brakes
Hydraulic brakes
Trelleborg 650 & Trelleborg 54...
Case Puma 165
New Tractors
165 horsepower with boost to 200hp
Power command
Front and cab suspension
50 kmph
Air brakes, Exhaust...
Case Vestrum 120
New Tractors
First of the new Vestrums into us
Front suspension
Cab suspension
Active 8 transmission
Austrian built machine
Haihong ZL160
New Tractors
Haihong ZL160
Brand new Tier 5 model just into stock
Tier 5 models come with digital dash and new upgraded tablet device
KAT 810
New Tractors
KAT 810 loader
Brand new
Lifting capacity of 800kg
Machine weight 1700kg
Kubota engine
Ideal builders mach...
Case Farmall 75A
New Tractors
Case Farmall 75A,
Fantastic offer,
4 wheel drive,
75 horsepower,
12×12 mechanical shuttle gearbox,
New Tractors
Brand new,
5.5 tonne machine,
with lifting capacity of 2 tonne,
Will lift up to 3800mm in height,